
Clinics & Services

Bucksburn Medical Practice is contracted to provide “essential services”, that is, basic treatment of ill people. In addition we provide the following additional services:60

  • Cervical Screening
  • Contraceptive Services
  • Child Health Surveillance
  • Maternity Services
  • Registered Yellow Fever Centre
  • Letters, passport forms (£40 charge) medical forms (£60 charge)

Enhanced Services

  • Monitoring of Certain Disease Modifying Drugs
  • Anti-coagulant Monitoring
  • Minor Surgery – muscle, tendon and joint injections

More Services for Patients

We offer an excellent range of in-house services run by Grampian Health Care Trust:

  • Dietician
  • Speech Therapy
  • Orthoptist
  • Chiropodist
  • Elderly Screening
  • Referrals via the GP's

Chronic Disease Management

asthma_inhalerAsthma/COPD – annual checks (at least) by the practice nurse of lung function, inhaler technique, weight/height/blood pressure checks, smoking status and smoking cessation advice if necessary, review of medication and self-management plan.

Diabetes – All patients with diabetes, except those on insulin, can have their reviews done at the practice instead of attending Woolmanhill. Our nurse is qualified in diabetes care and regular reviews are arranged with her with input from Dr McMann. A chiropodist and dietician both undertake sessions once per month at the practice.

Heart Disease – all patients with a history of heart attack and/or angina are offered appointments with the practice nurse. These will include at least twice yearly blood pressure checks and a full annual check including weight and advice on weight reduction, cholesterol and kidney function tests, smoking cessation advice if necessary, review of medication andsymptoms, immunisation against flu and pneumonia.

Hypertension – regular checks, at least once a year are arranged with the practice nurse. This will include blood tests for cholesterol, smoking cessation advice and advice on weight reduction if indicated.

Child Health


These are provided by the Immunisation Teams around the city.

Contraceptive Services

The following contraceptive methods can be prescribed at any surgery:

  • Oral contraceptive or progesterone only pill
  • Emergency contraception (appointments always available within 24 hours)
  • Depo-Provera injections – follow up appointments can be made with the practice nurse
  • Implanon insertion and removal

Maternity Carepregnant

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by the doctor we will arrange your antenatal appointments with our midwife. She will provide antenatal and postnatal care. She can be contacted at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, direct dial 01224 552071.

Smoking Cessation

Advice is available by making an appointment with Dr McMann. In addition a weekly Stopping Smoking Group is held at the practice with a trained adviser.

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